The winner is: Rio 2016.

[A five minute read] I just finished watching the Rio Opening Ceremony and now have a massive #workcrush on Marco Balich, the Italian Executive Producer calling the show. If I was on the IOC, I would declare Rio the winner before a single athlete laced up their shoes. Balich so articulately conveyed life in 2016 across […]

Killer travel apps.

[A one minute read] Apps make travel a lot easier, more efficient and fun. I discovered a few great ones during my South American adventure and thought I would share. 1. Splitwise. For trips where multiple people and sharing and splitting costs. Track expenses in Splitwise and it will calculate who owes who. Works across multiple […]

Disconnect to reconnect.

[A three minute read] I was recently asked to share my predictions on industry trends. After considering food, colours and theme trends, I realised the biggest ‘trend’ extends beyond aesthetics. Over the past few years, I have noticed the increasing number of delegates/guests who are physically present but mentally distracted during events, seemingly due to technology, high workloads […]

Less is more.

[A three minute read] Nearly two months ago, I moved out of my lovely inner city apartment. I left comfort, security and routine behind to become a temporary nomad. I had never been one to collect copious amounts of ‘stuff’ yet in the months leading up to the move, I felt the need to purge everything […]

San Francisco daycation.

[A three minute read] 24 (mostly rainy) hours in San Francisco. Disclaimer: I am not a fan of long blogs (not efficient enough for my event manager brain) so I was surprised at the length of this article, though it is more a ‘pick n mix’ of mini blogs. I have included pieces of information I wish I […]

Start with why.

[A three minute read] I am yet to try it myself but from what I hear, having a baby is a pretty traumatic experience. It is a huge investment of time, money and resources, not to mention pain. Those who can afford it hire an army of helpers to make the experience as smooth as possible. […]

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